Monday, 22 January 2018


Bahan-Bahan :

2 sudu mentega
1 1/2 sudu tepung gandum
Sebiji bawang besar (dipotong dadu)
Sebiji tomato (dipotong dadu)
Seketul kuib ayam 
 Lada Hitam (ikut citarasa)
1 1/2 cawan air 
Sos Cili
Ayam Goreng Crispy AYAMAS
French Fries

Cara penyediaan:

1. Cairkan mentega dengan api kecil kemudian masukkan tepung gandum dan kacau sehingga perang
2. Masukkan bawang dan kacau sehingga naik bau wangi.
3. Masukkan kiub ayam dan sedikit air kemudian kacau
4. Biarkan seketika dan tambahkan sos cili, kicap dan lebihan air tadi. 
(Kicap untuk bagi warna kepada sos,jangan masukkan terlalu banyak,nanti sos jadi hitam)
5. Masukkan tomato dan lada hitam, biarkan sehingga mendidih.
6. Tambahkan garam dan gula secukup rasa.
7. Jika sos terlalu pekat boleh tambahkan sedidkit air.
8. Sos dah siap !!
9. Gorengkan Ayam Crispy AYAMAS dan fries kemudian dihidangkan.
(Ini sebab tak sempat nak sediakan ayam, beli ayam frozen jer)

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

2018 WHAT TO DO !

I reach 1/4 of 100 😥 years old this year. How upsetting. I think I am more adult now 😍, so here a few list to focus on this 2018 ✨💪

1. Getting a permanent job (Luckily in 2017, I got temporary job as research assistant, so I pray that 2018 will be better for me to have a permanent job, so I could stay secure)

2. Repairing myself (I found myself had low iman (senipis kulit bawang huhu, so I would like to focus on ibadah/worship/ seking more knowledge about Islam, yet we all know that kiamat dah tak lama, bawak sedar diri)

3. Saving (Saving such amount of saving is a MUST because we are really don;'t know future. So, I challenge myself to go for 8k lifesaver💰)

4. Focus more on adult issues (Yeahh!! 25 make me slowly thinking for long term life. So, I am seeking information on how to have my first house, about insurance,parenting tips, motherhood)

5. Plan out a business ( I have a dream of having a business, but sadly I don't kow what business should I run, so I am still thinking hopefully I got the idea and might have a start this 2018)😂

6. Travel ( Thing that I always seeking the opportunity for. I addicted! Let me travel oversea at least 1 this year, nearby country,Indonesia maybe) 😇

7. Open my heart in searching life partner ( Since my age is getting older, I gonna be more open-minded about this topic.I am not saying that I will getting married this year, but slowly start a relationship maybe. What a funny statement 😂)

8. Polish my writing skill ( Improving English in writing especially, that's why I start blogging, not really to share but to enhance my brain in writing)

9. Be part of halal organization ( I realized my passion is toward halal industry, so I am planning to join 'free/cheap' seminars this year, to give me the exposure about this industry)

I think that's summarized my 2018 goals.So let work it out 💪😘

Wednesday, 3 January 2018



A year of changes

A year of struggle

A year of blessing

A year of grateful

A year of appreciating

A year of being better me