Wednesday, 25 December 2019


Biskut  ( Biskut marie better)
Mentega cair
250g cream cheese
Whipping cream
Esen vanilla

1. Hancurkan biskut dan campurkan dengan mentega cair.
2. Kemudian tuang dan tekan sehingga mampat. Pastikan mampat supaya base tidak mudah pecah. Masukkan dalam freezer seketika.

3. Gaul/ Whisk cream cheese dengan sedikit gula dan esen vanilla dan mangga puree. (puree xletak pon xpe)

5. Putarkan whipping cream sehingga kembang . Kurang 10 minit bergantung pada speed, jangan terlalu lama nanti separation. (Kalau dah nampak separate tu kira dah over whisk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚,sis terlebih whisk, terpaksa beli yg lain)
6. Seterusnya, campurkan cream cheese + whipping cream sehingga sebati.

7. Tuangan ke atas base tadi dan ratakan.
8. Seterusnya, untuk topping mango, cairkan sedikit gelatin + gula + manggo puree. Lebihkan mangga supaya lagi sedap.
9. Tuang atas cream tadi dan sejukkan dalam frezer semalamam untuk lebih cantik sebelum dihidang.

P/S : UNTUK COKLAT CHEESE, Step 1 - 7 masih sama.
Cuma untuk step 8 sis cairkan Beryls Dark Chocolate + sedikit susu, kemudian tuang atas cheese dan sejukkan.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019


2019 really did big impact to me on how i see something happened. It was very tough year 🌡 but I did small turning point in my life. I slowly see another rainbow 🌈 on closed door before. I am in healing progress of something that I had been holding for myself since 2012. The deepest wound that keep haunted me since then ( 😒😭).  Even though, I am still not fully recover,  I am now better 😊.
There are some lessons learnt from the heartbroken πŸ’”.


Whenever things don't be well as you plan, believe that Allah has the best plan for you. Or He actually diverge you from something you can't handle. Somehow, I accidentally went through Prof Muhaya talk with Ustazah Asma Harun and she shared this verse from Quran Surah Ghafir : 44. This verse is about putting πŸ’― trust on Allah to help you in whatever problems that you are dealing with.


He is the only one who truly know your pain as He is the one create your heart, so He will know better what you feel. Sometimes, you can't describe the pain that you faced,even you already talked to someone you close to. The best way to keep calm is, crying in your sujood and tell everything to Allah. You will find those calmness even the problem are not solved yet. The feeling was like a heavy burden has been removed from your shoulder.


One tip that i keep doing whenever i feel 'lost'. Read surah Al Fatihah, selawat with the intention of seeking for Allah's help. Then, close your eyes and randomly open the pages of the Holy Quran. Read those 2 pages and go through the meaning of every sentence. If Allah's will, 1 or 2 sentences are just like Allah's answer to your worries 😭. You will feel like Allah is too care for you even though you disobey Him


Stop looking for something you don't have, but start counting on your blessings. Not all are lucky as much as you are. You might have something that other people are searching for. Count on your blessing from having supportive family, good friend, meal to eat and a place to stay.


Every one of us has different level of tests so don't compare to others. We also have different strength and weakness. Don't lose hope when you fail in that level because others  can easily passed through that. You never know they might be struggle in another level. Just believe there is sun after rain.


Don't easily judge people for not doing for what they are responsible to. They might be not doing that in front of you. The true identity of a person lie on a pieces of blood called 'heart'. It is where you know the true intention of someone. Someone you see as 'bad guy' can be the kindest person you never knew.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Surprise Box πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ“¦

Everyone loves surprise box
It could be something you like
And it could be something to hate too
It's same goes to life
No one knows what tomorrow will held
You either meet rainbow or storm
Both have their own's part

When you meet rainbow
It could be something that you dream of
Be kind and grateful
When you face storm
It's not the end of your life
The storm will come to end
The sun will shine again

When a door closes
Just walk forward
Maybe another door opens ahead
Or maybe a window
If neither door nor window opens,
Still no worries
You might have SURPRISE BOX πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ“¦

Friday, 26 April 2019

Allah rindu kau 😭

Pernah diuji ujian bertimpa - timpa
Seakan - akan engkau dicampak dari langit Seolah-olah tiada lagi hari esok
Seumpama dibiar terkapai di lautan

Yaa!!  Itulah dia. Tanda Allah rindu. Tanda Allah masih sayang.  Tanda Allah masih peduli. Bersyukurlah!!  Allah sebenarnya rindu pada rintihan kita.  Allah nak kita mengadu dan meminta pada Dia. Saat kita tak ada siapa untuk mengadu,  carilah Allah kerana Dia takkan pernah membuka aib kita walaupun sejuta dosa.

Jika kita betul-betul berserah dan bertawakkal pada Allah,  satu per satu Allah mudahkan jalan keluar kepada masalah kita.  Apabila kita berserah dan redha dengan perancangan Allah, kita akan lebih tenang dan lebih terbuka untuk menerima kekecewaan. Kerana kita tahu "Allah tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita,  Allah tahu apa yang kita tidak tahu"

Pernah satu hari saya memang down sangat2, stress dengan macam2 masalah yang datang sekaligus.  Sambil2 scroll ig ada terjumpa satu post, dia bagitahu, kalau kita rasa kosong dan tak tahu nak buat apa ' Ambil Quran, Baca Al -Fatihah dan Selawat keatas Rasullullah 7x kemudian minta Allah tunjukkan jalan keluar masalah kita. Randomly buka mana2 helaian Al -Quran dan baca kedua2 halaman. Habis baca terus baca maksudnya dan Insha Allah salah satu daripada ayat2 dalam 2 halaman itu Allah tujukan kepada kita. Jawapan kepada apa yang kita minta. Amazingly masa saya buat, Allah gerakkan saya untuk buka surah Maryam. Dua ayat yang saya rasa Allah betul2 bagi jawapan apa yang saya minta.

" (Allah) berfirman, "Demikianlah."Tuhanmu berfirman, "Hal itu mudah bagi-Ku; sungguh,  engkau telah Aku ciptakan sebelum itu, padahal (pada waktu itu) engkau belum berwujud sama sekali" [19:9]

' Dia (Jibril) berkata,  Demikianlah. "Tuhanmu berfirman,  Hal itu mudah bagi-Ku,  dan agar Kami menjadikannya suatu tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi manusia dan sebagai rahmat dari Kami; dan hal itu adalah suatu urusan yang (sudah) diputuskan" [19:21]

Terkedu seketika saat membaca maksud ayat ini, Allah ulang 2 kali " Hal itu mudah bagi-Ku". Allah seakan memberitahu segala yang berlaku adalah kehendakKu dan jika Aku berkehendak maka jadilah.  Usai membaca maksud keduanya saya menjadi tenang dan lebih redha kerana petunjuk yang saya mohon adalah berkenan rasa suka pada seseorang yang masih diawangan dan bolehkah saya hidup dengan gaji yang tak seberapa?  Alhamdulillah walaupun gaji kecil tapi masih mampu hidup atas rezeki Allah bagi dan untuk jodoh saya hanya berdoa berikan yang terbaik.

Kadangkala Allah uji kita kerana Allah nak buka peluang yang lagi baik. Allah tak akan pernah menyusahkan hambaNya melainkan untuk kebaikan hambaNya. Jangan pernah buruk sangka dan sentiasa ingat " Kita merancang Allah juga merancang, tapi perancangan Allah lebih baik dan sempurna".❤πŸ’‹

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Minta pada Dia, bukan si dia 😘❤

Kerana aku manusia
Punya hati dan perasaan
Ingin disayangi dan menyayangi
Tak kusedar hadirnya bila
Singgah pada seketul hati
Aku buntu aku keliru
Adakah fitrah atau bisikan syaitan

Hanya pada Engkau aku mengadu
Tunjukkan jalan dan mudahkan
Pilihan hidup terbaik untukku
Kerna hanya engkau tahu apa yang aku tidak tahu

Jika dia untukku
Dan aku untuknya
Engkau beri rasa cinta pada keduanya
Dan satukanlah kami dengan suatu ikatan
Jika dia hanya ujian untukku
Engkau lenyapkan rasa kasih dari jiwa ini
Agar hati ini jauh dari kehinaan

*semoga Allah pandu perasaan ini ke arah kebaikan ✨

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Puding Oreo semudah ABC ♥

Musim panas ni best kan dapat macam benda sejuk, jom kita buat puding oreo paling simple

10 gm serbuk agar2
1 tin susu cair
1 bungkus oreo
3 cawan air
1/2 cawan gula ( ikut selera)

1. Masakkan serbuk agar-agar dan air sehingga hancur, kemudian tambahkan gula.
2. Setelah semua larut,  masukkan 1 tin susu cair dengan menggunakan api kecil.  Biarkan mendidih seketika dan tutup api.
3. Patahkan oreo dan separuh keping oreo dibuang krim ditengah.  Selebihnya boleh masukkan ke dalam susu tadi.
4. Tuang agar-agar kedalam bekas.. Kemudian tabur oreo yang telah dipatah-patahkan tadi.
5. Biarkan sejuk seketika dan masukkan kedalam petiais.  Boleh dimakan esok hari.

❤ 2018 REVIEW & 2019 DREAM BOX❤

Before start listing out my goals for 2019, let's go through what I had achieved in 2018.

1. Alhamdulillah,  with Allah permission I finally got permanent job even though it's not my dream job but start to work around this industry is a blessing 😘.

2. I'm still progressing in learning to make myself better, struggled to keep my ibadah on time is hard but yes!  I must keep trying. I do learn to accept my journey planned by Allah and He knows what's better for me.  I do learn 'love is not forcing thing to happen but let go thing flows its path'.

3. For the saving part,  I did lost track. I was far away to achieve of 8k lifesaver. I still cannot spend much of saving due to commitment I have but surely I will try my best to save.  I start again 'Green Box' hopefully it's successful 😍.

4.  Adult issues. It sounds UNETHICAL topics but it's actually gaining knowledge of marriage, financial planning, motherhood and everything i should know being an adult. At this age,  I do learn to gain as much knowledge about the real world and it's hard to be an adult 😭😭😭. You have a lot to think and to plan. But insha Allah,  I will learn slowly and with Allah's permission, I believe I can survive. Aminn. 😍

5. Plan business. I got stuck at this goal, at this moment I am still searching that business should I do.  But I still do my small dropship business of fashion business.

6. I love traveling but sadly last year I didn't manage to travel outside Malaysia due to financial and time limit.  Alhamdulillah,  I did go for island daytrip with family 😍😍😍.

7. Soulmate.I bet 2018 is not the time yet for me to find one but I did learn a lot. I did crush on someone I know since high school but I didn't make any move for it.  What's a coward girl I'm. The main reason I didn't do it because I still confused with my own feeling and we are not in the same level of lifestyle so I just keep those feelings deep inside alone.  I just prayed to Allah to ease everything for me if he's the one. Now, I am bit calm and I just follow the flow and remember

8.  One of the reasons i do start blogging. I want to polish my writing skills especially in English. I do write quotes sometimes and it's my way of expressing feeling.

9. Be part of halal organization community. It was my target since 2016 but I'm still looking forward to it. Pray for me to have chance attending halal seminar in future.


So here are my 2019 DREAM BOX πŸ’–

I love something challenging as I  quite hate routine schedule, so this year I try to hunt for chemist job and start gaining more experience as well.

Being 26, I  realise the important of good financial planning. I am planning to continue my 8k lifesaver and get life insurance too.

Since mak ayah,  acik and adik went for Makkah last year, I did have intention to go there one day.  Pray for me that I could start save for this trip.  THE MOST PLACE I WANT TO BE IS MAKKAH 😭😭😭. ALLAH!  pliss invite me be there too 😭😭😭. Aminn

I had too much too improved including my solat,  I still cannot do it the best. Be kind to everyone and dont being RIAK & TAKABUR with others. I should get rid of the feeling of being the best than others, getting jealous with others and buruk sangka attitude.

This year,  all my geng rempit are getting married and I'm the one left and alone.  I still got worried about this and guess what Mak dah start tanya when i getting married. Hopefully this year I can have a step forward too ❤❤✨.

Planning to step in Kyoto in spring 2020 🌸🌸🌸. So I think 2019 will not be the year yet but I need to start the money saving.  Seeing cherry blossom blooms is one my wishlist too so let'swork it out!!!  Gambatte!!

I do want to start constantly giving sedekah every month and do start trying for DHUHA PRAYERS too.

I want my face to be acne,  scars and burn free.  I do want glowing skin to I do not look pale when I did not have lipstick 😘

So,  let's work those list out πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻